Natural Cold Remedies Young Parents Should Know

Natural Cold Remedies Young Parents Should Know

We can all agree that when you have kids, colds aren’t an “if” they are a “when” and “how often”.  So, equal attention is paid to not only prevention but remedies.  Nowadays, specifically, natural cold remedies.

With all the side effects now common knowledge, cold medication, or medication, in general, isn’t the first things parents are reaching for when their little one has a cold.  They are thinking “there has to be a natural or home remedy for this and what is it?”

Time Tested

Back in the day of home visits, country doctors touted, “Treat a cold and it gets better in seven days. Let a cold alone and it resolves in a week”. This is still true, despite decades of research there is no cure for the “common cold”. Modern parents are turning to natural cold remedies to soothe sniffles, coughs and body aches.

Chicken Soup

If your first thought about natural cold remedies is homemade Chicken Soup, you’re a winner! The University of Nebraska Medical Center concluded from laboratory studies that chicken soup keeps white blood cells from triggering congestion and inflammation in the airways.

Researchers also found chicken soup contains anti-inflammatory components that may help avoid wretched side-effects of a cold. They also concluded canned soup is not as effective as homemade.

Green Tea

To hit your kid’s cold symptoms with a double whammy, have him drink green tea before eating homemade chicken soup. Tea contains theophylline, which loosens congestion. Quercetin, another compound in tea, may help keep viruses from multiplying.

Vitamin C

You remember the old adage, “feed a cold…”? Whoever said that probably didn’t have sick kids! Coaxing children to eat in the best circumstance is not easy. So, give them what they want – small slices of something for each hand.

Encouraging kids to snack on fresh oranges, kiwis, pineapple or tangerines will enhance Vitamin C, which lowers histamine levels.

Histamine is a protective chemical the immune system cranks-out in defense of irritants or allergens. Ironically, histamine is a major cause of stuffiness and other cold symptoms.

Vitamin C appears to fortify white blood cells, which are vital for fighting infection. Doctors continue debating whether vitamin C can thwart a cold. But, it has been substantiated extra vitamin C relieves symptoms and may shorten the duration of a cold.

First Aid Cap

Don’t forget the  reusable first aid ice pack cap! Sick kids consider Toby the puppy or Tulip the bunny their very own special friend. Moms love the easy-to-use gel packs, which can be heated or cooled to act as a cold compress or warm compress to fit the occasion.

When your little one demonstrates with a headache or low grade fever, Ouchie Cap  is one of the best natural cold remedies on today’s market.


 Its a natural remedy for kids’ cold, flu, and fever symptoms! This innovative product features round ice packs that fit snugly in a cloth covered ice pack handsfree, wearable cap.The circle gel packs are both microwavable and freezable ice packs, making them perfect for soothing fevers and providing relief from earaches and sinus pain. With its adjustable Velcro strap, the Ouchie Cap ensures a secure and comfortable fit, allowing your little ones to rest and recover naturally. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to quick, natural relief with the Ouchie Cap!


Do you have any natural cold remedies you’d like to contribute?  What’s working on your little one?  Comment down below!

PS:  What else goes with cold season?  Flu season!  Make sure you catch it early and check out our post: 5 Signs of the Flu Moms Should Be Aware Of This Cold & Flu Season

Or, click to see how the Ouchie Cap provides hands free

Hot & Cold Packs For Kids Bumps, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Bug Bites, Bee Stings, & More

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